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    2018.01 전립선암 치료 진료권고안
    2022.04 요로생식기감염 제2판 (Urogenital tract infection and inflammation)
  • 논문

    2007.10 전립선용적과 전립선암의 분화도와의 상관관계
    2008.06 신성 요붕증에 속발한 상부요로확장 및 배뇨장애
    2008.11 미세술기를 이용한 저위서혜부 정계정맥류제거술:: 소아와 성인에서의 비교
    2008.11 근치적 전립선적출술 후 생화학적 재발의 예측인자로 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor의 발현: 전향적 연구
    2009.05 Prognostic factors for chronic kidney disease after curative surgery in patients with small renal tumors
    2009.05 Bilateral spontaneous perirenal haemorrhage in a patient on haemodialysis
    2010.02 Expression of Ki-67 and COX-2 in patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma
    2013.05 Laparoscopic Pyelolithotomy: Comparison of Surgical Outcomes in relation to Stone Distribution within the Kidney
    2013.06 Influence of nutritional deficiency on prognosis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
    2007.10 전립선용적과 전립선암의 분화도와의 상관관계
    2017.01 Recurrence rate of stress urinary incontinence in females with initial cure after transobturator tape procedure at 3-year follow-up
    2017.09 Efficacy and safety of silodosin in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men taking antihypertensive medications
    2018.05 Which exercise is better for increasing serum testosterone levels in patients with erectile dysfunction?
    2018.11 How to perform the dusting technique for calcium oxalate stone phantoms during Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy
    2019.04 저위험도 전립선암의 치료 (The treatments for low-risk prostate cancer)
    2019.07 Establishment of Nrf2-deficient HaCaT and immortalized primary human foreskin keratinocytes and characterization of their responses to ROS-induced cytotoxicity
    2019.07 Antitumor effects of MutT homolog 1 inhibitors in human bladder cancer cells
    2019.12 Comparison of antibiotic susceptibility of Escherichia coli between community-acquired and post-prostate biopsy acute bacterial prostatitis
    2019.12 A prospective, multicenter, open-label study of dose escalation therapy in male patients with nocturia refractory to 0.2-mg tamsulosin monotherapy
    2021.01 Microbiological features and clinical factors associated with empirical antibiotic resistance in febrile patients with upper urinary tract calculi
    2007.10 전립선용적과 전립선암의 분화도와의 상관관계
    2021.06 Diabetes mellitus promotes smooth muscle cell proliferation in mouse ureteral tissue through the P-ERK/P-LNK/VEGF/PKC signaling pathway
    2021.07 Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio is not a predictor of clinically significant prostate cancer at the prostate biopsy: a large cohort study
    2021.08 Spontaneous rupture of adrenal myelolipoma as a cause of acute flank pain: a case report
    2021.08 Characteristics and treatment trends for emphysematous pyelonephritis in Korea: a 10-year multicenter retrospective study
    2021.10 Clinical and microbiological characteristics of men with nonobstructive acute pyelonephritis: a multicenter retrospective observational study
    2021.11 Prevalence of bladder pain syndrome-like symptoms: a population-based study in Korea
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